Giving Back

Mr. Winter's is a proud supporter of Adoptive Families Association of BC.

Adoptive Families Association of BC

AFABC supports the adoption community at all ages and stages through education, counselling, family events, and advocacy.

For over 40 years, the Adoptive Families Association of BC has been dedicated to finding families for children and to providing ground breaking programs that support the entire adoption community. They provide province-wide support and education if you are beginning to think about adoption, if you have decided to adopt, and if you have already had a child or children join your family.

They also play a significant role in promoting awareness of the thousands of British Columbia children in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, hundreds of whom are waiting for a family.

Give the Gift of Light

Do you know of a family in need of a little light in their life this holiday season? Nominate them to receive the gift of holiday lights! We will choose one household to receive the gift of a Holiday light Installation (up to 100 ft). Please send us an email with their contact information and a description of why they should be chosen. We will be choosing one household on or before December 15th, 2018*

Gift Of Light Nomination

Thank you for submitting your nominations for the 2018 Gift of Light - we will reopen the form in November 2019!
*One (1) household in the Okanagan will receive the gift of an installation of holiday lights (up to 100 ft). We will choose the recipient on or before December 15th, 2018. We will install the lights prior to December 20th, 2018 and take down the lights in January 2019. The lights are installed on a lending basis for this season only. If you have any questions please contact us at